Childhood obesity rates are skyrocketing due in large part to cultural and technological shifts. Anxiety and behavioural issues (in and out of school) are increasing exponentially as well. Significant research clearly ties anxiety and behavioural issues with sedentary lifestyle choices. Needless to say, this puts further strain on education and health systems already at their breaking points. Naturally, many have looked towards boosting youth involvement in sports programs to improve physical and mental well-being. But there are financial equity issues related to participation. Expensive sports equipment coupled with team costs and travel requirements make such a solution prohibitive to many. We have also seen urban sprawl encroach upon traditional suburban recreational spaces.
We clearly find our best selves through a balance between work and play. Yet we have a system which values work and obedience above all else and neglects to reveal the importance or provide the opportunities to practice constructive play. "Generation Alpha" children who are the roots of our future are suffering greatly. Too often, they head outside for recess and are at a loss as to what to do with their time. They complain frequently of listless weekends and resign themselves to the familiar yet stultifying confines of a (t)ech(n)o chamber screen culture.
The Chain Gang Project seeks to tackle physical and mental health issues prevalent within our school community simultaneously through a dynamic, multi-disciplinary approach. We hope to eventually assist communities abroad as well!
We clearly find our best selves through a balance between work and play. Yet we have a system which values work and obedience above all else and neglects to reveal the importance or provide the opportunities to practice constructive play. "Generation Alpha" children who are the roots of our future are suffering greatly. Too often, they head outside for recess and are at a loss as to what to do with their time. They complain frequently of listless weekends and resign themselves to the familiar yet stultifying confines of a (t)ech(n)o chamber screen culture.
The Chain Gang Project seeks to tackle physical and mental health issues prevalent within our school community simultaneously through a dynamic, multi-disciplinary approach. We hope to eventually assist communities abroad as well!
Our club is currently supported/funded through a “pay what you can” model (suggested donation $15)
Upon registration, club members receive:
*“Chain Gang” necklace with 3d printed ring/pendant
*Healthy active living activity challenge booklet
Parents/guardians or club leaders who bear witness to the completion of a healthy active living challenge sign off as acknowledgement within the booklet
Beads are awarded and added to the “Chain Gang” necklace to signify the completion of challenges!
Major milestones are celebrated with limited edition personalized 3d printed ring/pendants AND extra gym time!
Upon registration, club members receive:
*“Chain Gang” necklace with 3d printed ring/pendant
*Healthy active living activity challenge booklet
Parents/guardians or club leaders who bear witness to the completion of a healthy active living challenge sign off as acknowledgement within the booklet
Beads are awarded and added to the “Chain Gang” necklace to signify the completion of challenges!
Major milestones are celebrated with limited edition personalized 3d printed ring/pendants AND extra gym time!